VELUX Windows Leaking: Solutions and Fixes

Posted by Lawrie Fraser on 23rd November 2023

VELUX windows leaking

VELUX windows are a popular choice for homeowners looking to add natural light and ventilation to their homes. However, over time, these windows may begin to leak, causing damage to the interior of the house. Understanding the causes of VELUX window leaks and how to fix them is essential for maintaining the integrity of your home.

One common cause of VELUX window leaks is incorrect installation. Poor installation practices, such as using old tools and sealing techniques or inexperienced roofers fitting window frames at pitched angles, can cause leaks. In such cases, resealing the window can help stop the leaks. Another common cause of VELUX window leaks is flashing installed incorrectly, which can develop wear and tear over the years. Debris, leaves, and moss often accumulate over the flashing, which also causes window leaks.

Identifying a Leaking VELUX Window

VELUX windows are known for their quality and durability. However, they can still develop leaks over time. It's essential to identify the cause of the leak before attempting any repairs. Here are some signs that your VELUX window is leaking:

  • Water stains on the ceiling or walls around the window
  • Damp or wet patches on the window frame or sill
  • Condensation on the inside of the window
  • A musty smell in the room

If you notice any of these signs, it's crucial to act quickly to prevent further damage to your home. Start by inspecting the window for any visible damage or wear and tear. Check the frame, the glass, and the seals for any cracks, gaps, or missing parts.

Another common cause of VELUX window leaks is faulty flashing. Flashing is a thin metal or plastic strip that covers the gap between the window frame and the roof. It helps to direct water away from the window and prevent leaks. If the flashing is damaged or installed incorrectly, water can seep through and cause leaks.

It's also essential to check the roof for any damage or missing tiles. If the roof is damaged, water can seep through and cause leaks around the window. In some cases, the leak may not be coming from the window at all, but from the roof.

In conclusion, identifying a leaking VELUX window is the first step in fixing the problem. Look for signs of water damage, inspect the window for visible damage, and check the flashing and roof for any issues. By identifying the cause of the leak, you can take the necessary steps to fix it and prevent further damage to your home.

Common Causes of Leaks

VELUX windows are designed to be durable and long-lasting, but they are not immune to leaks. There are several reasons why VELUX windows may leak, including:

  • Flashing issues: Flashing is the material that seals the gap between the window and the roof. If the flashing is damaged, installed incorrectly, or missing altogether, water can seep through and cause leaks.
  • Condensation buildup: Condensation buildup in VELUX windows is a common problem that can be caused by a lack of ventilation and/or improper insulation. When humidity levels become too high inside your home, condensation droplets will form on the glass panes of the VELUX window.
  • Roofing problems: Leaks can also occur when there are problems with the roof. For example, if the roof tiles are damaged or missing, water can seep through and cause leaks around the VELUX window.
  • Installation issues: If the VELUX window was not installed correctly, it can cause leaks. For example, if the window is not level or if there are gaps between the window and the roof, water can seep through and cause leaks.
  • Debris accumulation: Debris, such as leaves and moss, can accumulate over the flashing and cause leaks. It is important to regularly clean the area around the VELUX window to prevent debris buildup.

It is important to identify the cause of the leak before attempting to fix it. If you are unsure of the cause of the leak or how to fix it, it is recommended to seek professional help.

Preventive Measures Against Leaks

VELUX windows are generally reliable and long-lasting, but they can still develop leaks over time. Fortunately, there are several preventive measures you can take to minimize the risk of leaks.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential for preventing leaks in VELUX windows. Homeowners should clean the windows and frames at least twice a year to remove any dirt, debris, or mould that may have accumulated. This will help to prevent water from seeping through gaps and cracks in the window frame.

Additionally, homeowners should inspect the windows regularly for signs of wear and tear. This includes checking the flashing, seals, and gaskets for any cracks or damage. If any problems are detected, they should be addressed immediately to prevent water from entering the home.

Proper Installation

Proper installation is another key factor in preventing leaks in VELUX windows. When installing a VELUX window, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. This includes ensuring that the flashing is installed correctly and that there are no gaps or spaces around the window frame.

Homeowners should also ensure that the window is installed at the correct angle to prevent water from pooling on the surface. If the window is installed at an angle that is too low, water may collect on the surface and seep through gaps in the frame.

In summary, regular maintenance and proper installation are the two most important preventive measures against leaks in VELUX windows. By following these guidelines, homeowners can minimize the risk of water damage and ensure that their windows remain in good condition for years to come.

Steps to Fix a Leaking VELUX Window

VELUX windows are known for their durability and quality, but like any other window, they may develop leaks over time. If you notice water stains or drips around your VELUX window, it's essential to fix the issue as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your roof and home. Here are some steps to fix a leaking VELUX window:

Reapplying Sealant

One of the most common causes of VELUX window leaks is damaged or worn-out sealant. If you notice cracks or gaps in the sealant around your window frame, it's time to reapply it. First, remove the old sealant using a scraper or a putty knife. Then, clean the area with a damp cloth and let it dry completely. Apply a new layer of sealant around the window frame, making sure to fill in any gaps or cracks. Finally, smooth out the sealant using a caulking gun or your finger.

Replacing Damaged Parts

If reapplying sealant doesn't fix the issue, it's possible that some parts of your VELUX window are damaged or worn out. Check the window gasket, flashing, and weatherstripping for any signs of damage. If you notice any cracks, holes, or tears, it's time to replace the damaged parts. You can purchase replacement parts from VELUX or a certified dealer. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to replace the damaged parts.

Professional Repair Services

If you're not comfortable fixing the issue yourself, or if the leak is severe, it's best to call a professional repair service. A certified VELUX installer or a roofing contractor can diagnose the issue and fix it quickly and efficiently. They have the necessary tools and expertise to repair any VELUX window leaks. Moreover, if your VELUX window is still under warranty, it's best to call a professional repair service to avoid voiding the warranty.

In conclusion, fixing a leaking VELUX window is crucial to prevent further damage to your roof and home. Reapplying sealant, replacing damaged parts, or calling a professional repair service are some steps you can take to fix the issue. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and take safety precautions when fixing the issue yourself.

When to Replace Your VELUX Window

VELUX windows are designed to last for many years, but there may come a time when they need to be replaced. Here are some signs that it might be time to replace your VELUX window:

1. Age

If your VELUX window is more than 20 years old, it may be time to replace it. Over time, the seals and flashing can deteriorate, which can lead to leaks and other problems.

2. Damage

If your VELUX window has been damaged, such as by a storm or falling debris, it may need to be replaced. Even if the damage seems minor, it can still compromise the integrity of the window and lead to leaks and other issues.

3. Energy Efficiency

If your VELUX window is not as energy-efficient as it used to be, it may be time to replace it. Newer windows are designed to be more energy-efficient, which can help you save money on your energy bills.

4. Condensation

If you notice condensation on the inside of your VELUX window, it may be a sign that the window is not functioning properly. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including a faulty seal or flashing. In some cases, the window may be repairable, but in others, it may need to be replaced.

5. Leaks

If your VELUX window is leaking, it may be time to replace it. Leaks can be caused by a variety of factors, including faulty seals, flashing, or installation. In some cases, the window may be repairable, but in others, it may need to be replaced.

When deciding whether to replace your VELUX window, it is important to consider the age, damage, energy efficiency, condensation, and leaks. By taking these factors into account, you can make an informed decision about whether to repair or replace your window.

VELUX windows


VELUX windows are a great way to bring natural light into your home, but they can be prone to leaking. If you notice any water coming in through your windows, it's important to take action quickly to prevent any damage to your home.

There are several possible causes of VELUX window leaks, including damaged flashing, failed seals, and poor installation. By identifying the cause of the leak, you can take the appropriate steps to fix it.

Some common fixes for VELUX window leaks include resealing the window, replacing the flashing, or adjusting the pitch of the roof. It's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to ensure that the repair is done correctly.

Regular maintenance can also help prevent VELUX window leaks. Keeping the area around the window clean and free of debris can help prevent water from pooling and causing damage. Additionally, inspecting your windows regularly can help you catch any issues before they become major problems.

Overall, if you take the time to properly maintain your VELUX windows and address any leaks quickly, you can enjoy the benefits of natural light in your home without the worry of water damage.

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